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viaja con Emilio, turismo e historia, por todo el mundo

Blog de viajes

Viaja con Emilio

No he recorrido todo el mundo, pero lo hare

Viaja con Emilio es una agencia y blog de viajes, en la cual se hacen tours como cruceros, viajes, vuelos, cuenta con una tienda virtual de la marca, 
- aprende
- mejora
- turismo e historia.
- tours personalizado

Cuanto más lejos voy, más me acerco a mí mismo

Los sueños no están para ser cumplidos. Están para ser vividos

Nada desarrolla tanto la inteligencia como viajar

El mundo es como un libro, y los que no viajan, solo leen una página.
Viajar es lo único que compras y te hace más rico

Ve el mundo. Es más fantástico que cualquier sueño

Invertir en viajar es invertir en uno mismo


Viaja con Emilio

los lugares mas hermosos y extravagantes del mundo
come y disfruta de las mejores delicias
refrescate en la playa y toma el sol, mientras pass una linda tarde

Mencionado en

de viajes




Dreams, dreams and more dreams. Has it ever happened to you that since you were a child you always wanted to be someone important and every time you thought of that person you wanted to become something swelled in your chest and you felt excited? In my case, since I was a child I always wanted to become a great traveler. I was never good at traveling to tell you the truth, but I always liked to do it. However, if there was one thing I could do today knowing that I would not fail, it would be that, to be a great traveler.

Dreams come and go, they change or stay fixed over time, some are harder and some are easier. The important thing about dreams is to always find a way to fulfill them. Obsess about our dreams, empower ourselves with it and do everything absolutely possible to find a way to achieve it.

Life is very short and although it may not seem time moves very fast, that is why my advice today is the following: do not lose your dreams, get lost in your dreams. Work every day to become who you want to be, live life to be happy, and always remember to follow your dreams.

Viaja por el mundo, y disfruta al maximo





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